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Faculty development leave (FDL) provides an opportunity for tenured full-time faculty to arrange for a transformational experience, in which they can expand and/or deepen the impact of their scholarship. Faculty should engage with their department head and their college liaison on the university FDL Review Committee as they begin to plan for an FDL experience. Given the limited number of FDL opportunities, department and college level approvals are likely to favor those applications proposing activities most in line with their missions. For more information, review the current guidelines. 

The salary funds for faculty development leave come from the college/school; however, supplemental discretionary funding comes from Faculty Affairs through the generous support of The Association of Former Students. Funding this year will be allocated $6,000 per approved FDL Faculty submission. Transfers of these funds will occur in September 2025. Funds for the faculty development leave program are distributed to each college and the college has full discretion on how to use these funds.

Process & Deadlines

Faculty should prepare FDL applications at least a full year in advance of the intended time of leave. Each college governs its own internal review deadlines and process, and Faculty Affairs accepts college-approved applications until mid-fall for the subsequent academic year. Applications are then routed through Faculty Affairs and the Board of Regents. Faculty applicants are notified of approval decisions in late spring. 

Upon a faculty member's return from FDL, an FDL report must be submitted documenting leave activities, impacts of leave activities, and benefits to both faculty member and Texas A&M.

Applications and reports may be accessed, submitted, and reviewed through the FDL section of the online faculty portal

Deadlines for FY26 (Fall 2025 - Spring 2026)

August - September, varies

Departmental and college deadlines to receive and review faculty applications. Contact your department head to confirm the deadline relevant to you.

October 2, 2024, 12 p.m.

Final deadline for applications to be received by Faculty Affairs. Late applications will not be accepted.

Associated Documents

Benefits Information